Course on Bioinformatics for Integrative Genomics

The last 2 days I was at the Course on Bioinformatics for Integrative Genomics organized by The Biomedical Genomics Group.

Course Description
“The application of high-throughput technologies in medical genomics yields complex, multidimensional data sets that describe in detail the myriad changes that occur within individual cells and how these changes differ between patients, cells or conditions. Usually we want to use this data to answer some specific questions. For instance, which of the long list of mutations detected are likely to affect the function of the protein and which are probably neutral? Which of the genes affected by those mutations are already known to be involved in cancer or other diseases? Which pathways or biological processes are affected by the transcriptomic alterations detected in my experiment? Etc.
We need to apply bioinformatic approaches to answer these questions. This course provides theoretical and practical expertise in the field of bioinformatics for integrative genomics. Students are updated on the state of the art in the field and they become capable of handling and analyzing genomics data. Upon completion, the attendees are able to perform integrative analysis and interpret the results, in order to answer specific biological questions.
To achieve these objectives we will use three tools developed in our lab:”

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